Wednesday 11 March 2015


Jesus is talking to you "come out from amongst them,and be ye separate" Come out from amongst those sinful deeds of yours that have held you bound.Yes gold and silver you do not have to bail out yourself from this torment of the devil,but today i announce to you that there is a way out and no need to worry,because Jesus saw your wretchedness and helplessness and paid it all for you on the cross.All you need to do to be free from those habits,be setting sins that have refused to leave you and makes you shed tears after engaging in it, is just to accept the provision that Jesus made for you on the cross.Behold there is a balm in gilead and it is for the healing of the nations,a flowing river at the feet of His great throne for all who thirst to drink from,Food for the spirit in every of His spoken,written and revealed word all just for you. Are you tired of those habits,sinful deeds,or are you thirsty or hungry? Not to worry Jesus paid it all on the cross of calvary all for you,what you just need to do is to accept Him a your Lord and Savior,confess it and live it by living your life based on His word. ‪#‎JESUS‬ INDEED PAID IT ALL FOR YOU.